Next Steps and next NFT Drop

We like to inform you about our next steps and next NFT Drop:

1) The current NFT sale runs until June 30th. We have some traction, but adoption is rather slow. This does not wonder as our community isn’t large yet. We still hope it will take off. You find the links to mint always at our Linktree Page.

2) We had a lot of talks with various people, both from the blockchain scene as well as with film people and all have been curious about the project. This gives us reason to let you know more about our film project. So we will post further information about the project occasionally.

3) We will be launching another NFT drop shortly. As mentioned above, we couldn’t expect to sell out the NFTs of our first campaign. Furthermore we found that it is difficult to sell videos as NFTs. This gives us reason to make something more easy for the next NFT drop.

So stay tuned, amazing things are coming up

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