Minting starts

The minting for our movie project “Gang of Varmints” by MovieProjectNFT, an independent thriller / crime movie, starts. The first NFT collection has four tokens. Each of the tokens has its own minting page.

By buying a NFT you will be able to uncover one of our four fictional main characters in a short hd video. Additionally you may attend a reading of the screenplay and get priority purchasing rights on all following NFT collections. These may give access to previews, visiting the set or the premiere or maybe what you ask for. You find all minting pages as well as links to additional information listed at the Linktree Page of the project. Come on board, let’s do something great. Here are the links:

Uncover Becca Cooper

Uncover Benjamin Brooks

Uncover Joe Beckett

Uncover Stella Clarke

All links of our project including social media communities you find at our Linktree page.

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